Respect for people & the environment
ESG — not just another sustainability story

Sustainability & ESG at Frischhut - a sincere approach instead of just a trend
SustSustainability is a buzzword often used by companies these days. Unfortunately, it often remains a mere declaration of intent. Companies often talk about sustainability to justify their own actions instead of acting out of genuine conviction. This is because it requires far-reaching changes to the business model in order to actually consume fewer resources and energy and minimise the negative impact on the environment.
What drives us at Frischhut is respect for people and the environment. We recognise how challenging it is to honestly assess the actual impact of our actions. It is even more challenging to continuously find ways to further minimise these impacts. Our approach to sustainability (ESG) is based on the principles of the book ‘The Future of the Responsible Company’ by Yvon Chouinard. We know that we are still at the beginning, but we are determined to pursue this path consistently.
Meaningful work: Frischhut products for primary human needs
Our cast products are part of the water infrastructure and other system-relevant areas. Although our products often remain invisible as part of the underground infrastructure, they contribute to the sustainable safeguarding of vital systems. In this way, we also support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We make a valuable contribution to a safe water supply with tried-and-tested, long-lasting products. These need to be replaced less often, which significantly reduces resource consumption and the environmental impact of production, transport and disposal.
A manufacturer in Europe has many advantages
As a traditional European manufacturer, we are committed to providing our customers with a high-quality service, as we want to continue working together as partners in the future. We comply with all legal requirements and European environmental and social standards. Because we are based right here in Germany, our employees also provide a service in economic planning and reliably secure deliveries.
Footprint reduction
Since 2024, we have also been using only TÜV Süd-certified green electricity in our production, making us a pioneer in the industry. This means a considerable amount of extra work, but is increasingly in demand from customers in the water supply and mechanical engineering sectors, as it improves their own footprint.
Manufacturer of recyclable products
Firstly, we produce with the utmost care and to the highest quality standards. This enables us to minimise incorrect, superfluous products. We have always favoured the use of scrap steel, i.e. recycled material, as the main component of our products.
At the end of their life, our products can be almost completely recycled as raw material (steel scrap) for high-quality new products. The associated credit of avoided greenhouse gases and raw materials is not taken into account in various footprint calculations, e.g. EPD, but is a significant contribution to avoiding harmful effects. The use of plastic and other petroleum-based products is minimised. #reduceplastic
Continuously improving our footprint
In 2023, we underwent our first Ecovadis assessment and were immediately awarded the silver medal. Ecovadis helps us to continuously scrutinise and monitor our practices and develop better processes - for example in procurement, in dealing with our employees and in complying with legal requirements and the highest voluntary standards.
Further development in this area is of the utmost importance to us. We are therefore open to suggestions from all stakeholders in order to continuously improve our actions and thus contribute to a better world.
We are part of the following initiatives in our endeavours to make a positive contribution to people and the environment